How to enable macros for individual workbooks
How to avoid these dangers? Just follow one simple rule: enable only safe macros – ones that you've written or recorded yourself, macros from trusted sources, and VBA codes that you have reviewed and fully understand. For this reason, Excel's default setting is to disable all macros with notification.
A malicious macro that you run unwittingly may damage or completely delete files on your hard drive, mess up your data, and even corrupt your Microsoft Office installation. Though VBA codes are very effective in automating complex and repetitious tasks, they are a significant source of risk from the security point of view. This tutorial covers different ways to enable macros in Excel and explains potential risks associated with that. Therefore, in Microsoft Excel, all macros are disabled by default. Like almost any technology, macros can be used for both good and evil. The article looks at how to turn on macros in Excel, explains the basics of macro security and shows how to adjust the security settings to run VBA codes safely.